I know shadowform will get nerfed soon. I don't even use it for farming ectos in the underworld anywho but I have invested some money into armor for a warrior-nm farmer. I am currently going to get set up and learn how to W/Me the smites in normal mode.
I need input from all warrior farmers (NM) who use builds to farm the smites; what builds work best for you? Good for beginners? Tips to help me out? Thanks!
well i havent tried it personally, but ive heard since the addition of the Sekeletons of Dhuum that solo farm with a warrior in UW is almost impossible. Im not sure if it is, but ive heard..
its kinda tough to do but it can be done just dont get frustrated and learn the patrols of the skeles in addition to the coldfires. u can take out skele with some of the war builds but its a tough fight....gg anet u nerfed every other farm except the imba ways to farm /facepalm
The Balthazar UW farmer can literally plow through skeletons, so you don't have to bother running around them. Take note though, that you should only aggro them if you can get them alone.
Last edited by AndroBubbles; Feb 24, 2010 at 10:54 PM // 22:54..
100b UW is pretty darn good. It is W/D and takes a few seconds to kill smites. It can also easily kill skeletons by bring 2+ groups of smites to them and 100b.
I use the same build as Braxton619 and have no problems. You just have to be patient and watch the patrols, takes longer than it used to but still doable. I'd be glad to run you thru it if you want. IGN Chatty Kathy